
King Subash | Live Life King Size

Free Online Character and Word Counter Tool

Characters : 0
Word : 0

Online Character and Word Counter Tool is free for you by kingsubash.com. You can use this free online word counter to count of their word and characters. This is a free online calculator which counts the number of characters or letters in a text.

SO may social networking sites uses word / character.

Social MediaCharacter Count
LinkedIn Summary2000
Pinterest Description500
Blogspot description500
Facebook status63,206
title tag in HTMLonly display 70 characters
Meta descriptions in HTML have no limitation but only first 155 characters are displayed in Google search results.
About Author
King Subash | Live Life King Size
King Subash

I am a Full Stack Web Developer. 10 Years 10 Months of work experience in web development with a Master's Degree in Computer Application (MCA). Hands-on experience on HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Codeigniter, javascript, React JS, jquery, ajax, JSON, LAMP administration, twitter Boostrap, Material CSS, Materializecss. Strong knowledge of Web application and Web servers.